EDI Statement


Crypto Tax Degens is committed to promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) within our organisation.

This commitment extends to all aspects of our operations, encompassing discrimination on the basis of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and/or belief, sex, sexual orientation, and a person’s gender identity/expression.


Crypto Tax Degens expects all members of its staff and wider community to treat others equitably, with dignity and respect. We are dedicated to creating an environment where everyone feels valued and included, and where discrimination, harassment, or bullying is not tolerated.


The Chief Executive Officer is ultimately responsible for ensuring the full implementation of this EDI policy.

The Director of People & Culture leads the implementation of the Crypto Tax Degens EDI strategy for staff, in collaboration with the Executive team for content and operational activity.

Implementation, Monitoring, and Review:

Our Equality and Diversity Committee will oversee the implementation of this policy and report on progress to the Executive Management Team regularly.

We will set specific objectives related to EDI and monitor our progress in achieving them.

The People & Culture Director will collect and analyse staff monitoring data and report this information annually to the Executive Management Team.

The Quality and Standards Department will coordinate the collection and analysis of candidate monitoring data.

The Marketing Team will ensure that Crypto Tax Degens’ content aligns with the provisions set out in this policy.

This policy will undergo regular reviews to ensure it reflects best practice and complies with current legislation.


All staff are required to participate in EDI training appropriate to their role. New employees will receive EDI training as part of their induction, and ongoing training will be provided to all staff to foster a culture of continuous learning and development.

Complaints Procedures related to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion:

Crypto Tax Degens encourages all members of its staff and wider community to report any concerns related to discrimination, harassment, or bullying. Our complaints procedure ensures that complaints are addressed promptly and without victimisation or fear of retaliation. Please refer to staff and candidate policies for the appropriate procedure to follow.


This policy is owned by the Director of People & Culture and is subject to review at the discretion of Crypto Tax Degens’ Executive and/or as required by changes in legislation.

Effective Date: October 2023

Review Date: October 2027