May 23, 2023

Ten Top Tips to Avoid Crypto Fraud and Stay Safe Online

Last Updated: June 17, 2024

Crypto Security


It’s true, crypto is becoming more popular every day. But along with this rise comes an unfortunate downside: crypto scams. These scams can be tricky to recognise and can sometimes end up costing you a lot of money.

The good news? You can protect yourself. This article will be your guide, giving you easy-to-understand tips to avoid crypto fraud and keep your hard-earned money safe online.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • How to spot the red flags that scream “scam”
  • Simple steps to secure your online accounts and crypto holdings.
  • Ways to stay informed about the latest crypto scams.

By following these tips, you’ll know better how to avoid crypto fraud and keep your money safe online.

Level up on your knowledge

Take some time to learn the ropes. Understanding how crypto works will help you avoid scams and make smarter choices. Here’s what to focus on:

  • Blockchain explained: Imagine a giant, public record book that keeps track of all crypto transactions. That’s basically what blockchain is. Learning about it will show you why crypto can be secure.
  • Digital Wallets: Your crypto lives in a digital wallet, kind of like a phone app for your money. There are different types, so you’ll want to learn about them to pick the safest one for you.
  • Security Smarts: Just like your bank account, keeping your crypto safe is important. Learn how to use strong passwords and avoid anything that seems fishy online.

Safeguard Your Crypto With Wallet Security

Let’s make sure your valuable digital money stays secure. Here are some key things to remember:

  • Pick a Trustworthy Wallet: Choose a crypto wallet from a company with a good reputation. Look for wallets that have strong security features like two-factor authentication (2FA) and encryption. Think of these like double locks and scrambling to keep your crypto safe.
  • Updates Keep You Protected: Just like your phone or computer, keep your wallet software and devices up-to-date. These updates often include security patches that fix any weaknesses and keep out bad actors.
  • Hardware Wallets for Extra Security: If you’re planning to store a lot of crypto, consider getting a hardware wallet. This is like a super secure flash drive specifically designed for your crypto.
  • Your Seed Phrase is Secret: This is the most important tip: never, ever share your seed phrase with anyone. Not your family, friends, or someone claiming to be from official crypto land. This seed phrase is the master key to your crypto, so keep it safe and hidden at all costs.

Beware of Phishing Tricks

People may try to steal your crypto by pretending to be someone they’re not. They might send emails, and texts, or even create fake websites that look real. These are called phishing scams.

Here’s how to stay safe:

  • Slow Down and Check: Don’t rush! Before clicking any link or giving any information, take a moment to look closely. Is the website address spelled correctly? Does the message seem strange?
  • No Sharing Secrets: As we mentioned above, real companies will never ask for your seed phrase or passwords. If someone asks for these, it’s a trick. Don’t fall for it.

Check Before You Leap

Before you use any new crypto service, it’s important to make sure it’s on the up and up. Here’s how to be safe:

  • Research Like a Detective: Look into the company or website. See what others are saying about them online. Are there any licenses or certificates they should have?
  • Beware of Sweet Talk: If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Be careful of anyone who pressures you to rush into something.
  • Do Your Homework: The more you learn about the service, the better. Take your time and make sure it feels right before you use it.

Use Secure Networks and Devices

When you’re checking your crypto or making trades, it’s best to do it on a safe network. Don’t use public Wi-Fi like at a coffee shop or a computer you share with others. These can be risky.

Instead, use your home Wi-Fi or a device you trust to keep your crypto safe from sneaky hackers and bad programs.

Enable Transaction Confirmations

Some crypto wallets let you add an extra step before your crypto is sent. This step is called a “transaction confirmation.”

While not always necessary, transaction confirmations can give you some peace of mind.

Here’s how it works:

  • The Extra Step: When you enable transaction confirmations, you’ll get a notification before any crypto is sent out of your wallet.
  • Review and Approve: This notification will show you the transaction details, like the amount and where it’s going. You can then review it and confirm if everything looks good before it goes through.
  • Remember: This is an optional step, and not all wallets offer it. But if you’re feeling cautious or unsure about a transaction, enabling confirmations can give you some extra control.

Regularly Monitor Your Crypto Accounts

Just like checking your bank account, it’s a good idea to keep an eye on your crypto accounts regularly. Here’s how:

  • Take a Peek: Log in to your crypto wallets and exchanges every now and then.
  • Review Your History: Look at your transaction history to see where your crypto has been going in and out.
  • Check Your Balance: Make sure your balance matches what you expect.
  • Spotting Trouble: If you see anything suspicious, like a transaction you don’t remember making, act fast.
  • Report It: Tell the platform you use (like the exchange or wallet service) right away. They might be able to help you fix the problem.
  • Consider Extra Help: There are special services that can watch your crypto for you and send you alerts if something strange happens. These can be helpful, but they’re not always necessary.
  • Remember: By keeping an eye on your accounts, you can catch any problems early and keep your crypto safe.

Spread Out Your Crypto Savings

Just like with your regular savings, it’s a good idea not to put all your crypto eggs in one basket. This means spreading your crypto around a bit.

  • Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Basket: Instead of having all your crypto in one place, consider dividing it up between a few different wallets or platforms.
  • Why Spread Out?: This helps protect your crypto in case something goes wrong with one particular platform or type of crypto.
  • Remember: Diversifying is an optional strategy, but it can be a good way to manage risk in the ever-changing world of crypto.

Stay Smart and Listen to Your Gut

The world of crypto is always changing, so it’s important to keep learning about new scams and how to stay safe. Here are some tips:

  • Stay Up-to-Date: Read articles and news about crypto security to learn about the latest tricks bad guys are using.
  • Trust Your Gut: If something feels wrong, like an offer that seems too good to be true, it probably is. Don’t be afraid to walk away.
  • Need Help?: If you’re ever unsure about something, don’t hesitate to ask a professional for advice. You can find trusted crypto tax advisors who can help you out.

You’ve Got This

The world of crypto can be exciting, but it’s important to be careful too. By following these tips, you can learn how to avoid scams and keep your crypto safe.

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Andy Wood

Andy has a breadth of experience as a Barrister and as a Chartered Tax Advisor, which means he comes into the crypto space with expertise he can't wait to share.

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