April 25, 2023

The Best Ways to Safely Store Crypto

Last Updated: October 24, 2023


As cryptocurrency gains popularity, the need for safe and secure storage of these digital assets becomes increasingly important. With various options available for storing cryptocurrency, it can be confusing to know which option is the safest and most secure. Let’s discuss the cost of storing cryptocurrency in different types of wallets and their associated benefits and risks.

Crypto Storage Options:

There are three main types of cryptocurrency wallets: hot wallets, cold wallets, and custodial wallets.

  • Hot wallets: These are wallets that are connected to the internet and are therefore accessible from anywhere at any time. They are convenient for frequent transactions but can be more vulnerable to hacks and cyber attacks.
  • Cold wallets: These are wallets that are not connected to the internet and are therefore less vulnerable to hacking attempts. They are ideal for long-term storage of cryptocurrency.
  • Custodial wallets: These are wallets that are managed by a third-party company, such as an exchange. While convenient, custodial wallets have the disadvantage of not giving the user complete control over their cryptocurrency.

What is the safest way to store cryptocurrency?

The safest way to store cryptocurrency is by using a cold wallet. Cold wallets are not connected to the internet, which makes them less vulnerable to hacking attempts. These wallets store the private keys to your cryptocurrency, giving you complete control over your assets.

Moving cryptocurrency to a wallet:

It is recommended to move cryptocurrency to a wallet, especially if you plan on holding it for the long term. Exchanges are more susceptible to hacks and cyber attacks, putting your assets at risk. By moving your cryptocurrency to a wallet, you have complete control over your assets and can ensure their security.

Safety of storing cryptocurrency on an exchange:

Storing cryptocurrency on an exchange can be risky as exchanges have been known to suffer from hacks and cyber attacks. It is recommended to store cryptocurrency in a wallet instead of an exchange.

Can cold wallets be hacked?

While cold wallets are less vulnerable to hacking attempts, they are not completely immune. Physical theft or loss of the wallet can also lead to the loss of your cryptocurrency. Therefore, it is important to take extra precautions, such as storing the wallet in a secure location.

Downsides of crypto wallets:

One downside of crypto wallets is the risk of losing access to your cryptocurrency if you lose your private key. It is important to keep a backup of your private key in a secure location to avoid losing access to your assets.

Least safe place to keep your cryptocurrency:

The least safe place to keep your cryptocurrency is on an exchange. Exchanges are more vulnerable to hacking attempts and cyber attacks, which can lead to the loss of your assets.

The winner: keep cool with a cold storage wallet

The safest way to store cryptocurrency is to use a cold wallet. While there are associated costs with purchasing a cold wallet, the benefits of increased security and control over your assets outweigh the investment. It is important to carefully consider the different storage options available and choose the one that best fits your needs and level of risk tolerance.

Andy Wood

Andy has a breadth of experience as a Barrister and as a Chartered Tax Advisor, which means he comes into the crypto space with expertise he can't wait to share.

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